Saturday, August 24, 2024

Unconstitutional Capture of Power by Dr. Yunus in Bangladesh

Dr. Muhammad Yunus took over the power of the country called Bangladesh amid violence and killings. The people of Bangladesh did not elect him to become the ruler of the country. It requires a lot of effort to form a political party and get elected by getting the mandate of the people to go to the helm of power. So, he conspired to achieve his goal. In fact, he has been conspiring for a long time to capture the power of this small country. This time he and his able backers have become successful by creating a violent atmosphere throughout Bangladesh.

Many students, common people, and police lost their lives for no good reason. The movement against the government started with a demand to abolish or reform quotas for government jobs. It was not supposed to turn into a violent form. In fact, there was a well-prepared and deliberate stratagem to turn this movement into a brutal conflict to bring about the downfall of the Government under Sheikh Hasina. There was a secret plan involving some of the top-ranking student coordinators, Dr. Muhammad Yunus, and many of his cohorts. In Bangladesh, there is a group of people who share the same conman characteristics like Dr. Yunus. Just to name a few, I can mention Dr. Asif Nazrul, Dr. Bodiul Alam Majumdar, Brigadier Gen. (retired) M. Sakhawat Hossain, retired foreign secretary Tauhid Hossain, Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharya, and several others. These are vocal minority people who want to grab power by hook or crook. The quota movement was a great opportunity for them to unseat a democratically elected government and finally occupy the power that they cherished so dearly.

The student leaders or coordinators (as they call themselves) were successfully able to turn the movement into a violent form by attacking police stations and chanting provocative slogans such as, we are Razakars (paramilitary forces created by Pakistan in 1971 to kill the freedom fighters and those who supported Bangladesh independence). It was like chanting slogans “we are Nazis” on the streets of Tel Aviv. The marauding mob attacked law enforcers and shots were fired both by the police and by the protesters. Unfortunately, the blame went onto the government and on Sheikh Hasina. In the digitalized Bangladesh (thanks to Sheikh Hasina for her priority and efforts on this), the blaming of the government became viral. To make the situation worst, the corps of Dr. Yunus came out onto the streets of Dhaka to accelerate the ouster of the government. The quota movement was eventually transformed into the one point ousting the government movement. In a matter of days, Sheikh Hasina had to leave Bangladesh for India, and a democratically elected government of Bangladesh fell apart.

Unfortunately, all these conspirators including Dr. Yunus have brought serious problems for a small country Bangladesh which was thriving vigorously under the able leadership of Sheikh Hasina. The power-hungry mob headed by Dr. Yunus has turned Bangladesh close to a failed state. In Bangladesh, now there is worse law and order, uncertainty in the markets, harassment everywhere, forced resignation of professionals, inferno in the minority villages, and so on. The rabble of Dr. Yunus will eventually turn Bangladesh into a completely failed state.

Sheikh Hasina had her focus on the development of the country and on the prevention of the Islamic terrorists, specifically after the attack and killings in Holey Artisan Bakery in 2016. She was aware of the previous conspiracies perpetrated by Dr. Yunus but she failed to understand the extent of all his henchmen who were currently preparing for the ouster of her government. The henchmen of Dr. Yunus very carefully orchestrated and executed their plan by creating a chaos out of no issue at all.  In the midst of the chaos, the former elected Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had to step aside and leave the country.

To maintain the continuity of the government, the President of Bangladesh could have allowed the parliament to decide on the formation of a new cabinet. But the henchmen of Yunus captured the Parliament House, prime minister’s residence called Ganabhaban, and the streets of Dhaka. The president and the chief of the army had to submit to the elite oligarch gangs of Dr. Yunus. They had to give the power to the gang leader Yunus. This has entangled Bangladesh into a non-democratic system of rule under the leadership of a renowned con artist named Yunus for a long time to come. He didn’t receive any mandate from the people of Bangladesh but there is no problem for this shameless individual named Yunus to rule Bangladesh which was trying hard to continue following the constitution of the country.

Samir Arsalan, Freelance Writer

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